Frequently asked questions

Below are some of our most frequently asked questions. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you can't find what you're looking for (contact page).
What is considered vintage? 
We consider items older than 20 years to be vintage, and items older than 100 years to be antique. 

How frequently are items shipped?
All items ship within two business days, unless otherwise noted that the store is on vacation.

How do I know if an item will fit me (clothing)?
We provide detailed measurements for all clothing items. Measurements are taken clothing laying flat. E.g., if the measurement of a waist is 15", you should double that for the full circumference (15" x 2 = 30").

Does Bapoense accept returns?
Yes, of course! You can return any item 14 days of the arrival date. Shipping costs must be covered by the customer if the item is being returned for any reason other than damages/imperfections not listed online. Though we thoroughly inspect all items prior to posting, in the rare case where we miss an imperfection, we will work with you to cover return shipping costs (and provide a full refund when the return arrives).